Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Employee Recognitions December & January 2009

Employee's Choice
Yohana Medrano
Fav Five

What is your favorite question/thing an individual asked/told you?
I’m the best boss” and “What does the stereo plug into?
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
What is your favorite movie you saw in the last 5 years?
What is your favorite place you went to on vacation?
What is your favorite Scary monster?
Highlighted Employee
Jonalee Kump
Fav Five
What is your favorite question/thing an individual asked/told you?
“I’ll squirt you”
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
“Chocolate Chip”
What is your favorite movie you saw in the last 5 years?
What is your favorite place you went to on vacation?
What is your favorite Scary monster?

Employee of the Month
Ashley Sutton

Fav Five

What is your favorite question/thing an individual asked/told you?
“That I’m their favorite” and "Thats it, I'm going to put you into the snow bank"
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
“Mint Chocolate Chip”
What is your favorite movie you saw in the last 5 years?
“Batman the Dark Knight”
What is your favorite place you went to on vacation?
“Moab, UT”
What is your favorite Scary monster?

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