Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Horsin' Around!

When Mike brought his horses the individuals had a great time! Here are more photos:

Holly feeding the horse and Daryl making friends!
Cubby the miniature house. Ethlyn with Shacoda.
Katie taking a ride and Mike M....not really sure what to think about a horse in his class room.
Mark loves all animals we have found out and Mike is pretending to ride Cubby!

Mike with his daughter Emmy. Gilles didn't want a ride but got close enough for a picture.
Cynthia and Rachel both posed with Shacoda.
Darin petted Cubby and also rode Shacoda.
Kevin is a natural cowboy! and Jillene also had a ride.
Jenny and Natalie say, "YEE HAW!!!"
Lee and Geneva both had their turn with Shacoda.
Brenda looks like a true Cowgirl!
Even the staff got rides: Dee (the company trainer) and Nici (director)


Area.51 said...

hello to every one there at the rha ;-) this blog is well cool i like it :) merry christmas to all the clients and staff and wish you a happy new year ;-) Also A Big Happy Birthday To Amanda (Staff) Hope U Had A Great Day x , will keep up with what you do ur all awsome :) from matthew keenan , 30 , york , united kingdom

Anonymous said...

Hey Nici-Its steph over at HHCC, I made a blog for HHCC. its Take a look. We are having a real good time creating it. Love your blog too. Miss you.